Monday, December 31, 2007

Goodbye 2007

December 31st already. It's been a long time since I've typed a journal entry... I think my last real one was before we went to visit Matthew, Stephanie, and Eve-chan. They are up right now; we just opened Christmas presents from/for them. I got a how-to-survive-college book and this funky "WTF is that" stuffed animal. It looks like a blueT-Rex/marsupial/Chihuahua... weird. I <3 it. Unfortunately, I have to work in the morning, so I'm gonna go to bed until I have to drive Isaac home from Alison's. At least we won't have a repeat of last year. -_-

Nobu was here for a while. I really hope those two stay together. She is so sweet. ^_^ Although sometimes it feels like Isaac talks to her like she is a little kid. >:( She gave me Origami Love Notes. I've already used a couple of sheets. Some of those are freakin' hard! Oh well. Still fun. Her X-Mas card to me was a monster, but I think I got it. ><

I posted a list of what I got for Christmas on dA, with the exception of what Mike got me, 'cause I had already posted it by then. I <3 my sewing machine!

I got to see Becky and Tia for an hour or two the other day; they were home for the weekend. Becky is the same, although she died her hair black, straightened it, and cut it to about shoulder length. I'm not sure what Tia did, but she looked really cute when I saw her. Something about the new shade of her hair and her glasses frames really brought out her eyes. She had some curls in there too. Too cute.

Mike and I are doing fine. He and, like, everyone else are complaining that I'm leaving for Pitt so early. I can't help that! Well, he's spending the night with Adam and, maybe, Marita. We just found out that Maura Elizabeth is not Adam's girl. She's... that guy from McDonald's: Marita's boss, I think. There are mixed emotions about that whole situation. I don't know if I should tell Mom or not. Mike is kinda glad that it's not Adam's because he didn't want it to ruin Adam's life. I suppose I wanted her to be Adam's so I could pretend Marita was... semi decent, I guess. I don't know. Apparently, she was cheating on Adam before and after she knew she was prego. Adam tried to kick her out of his house, where she's been staying apparently, and she threatened to kill herself. That's pretty low and it definitely hurts my opinion of her. All of this situation does. I don't know what's going to happen with that relationship. Right now Adam is trying to get his name off of Maura's birth certificate. I guess we're all kinda hoping the relationship comes to an end, but Mike says he can still tell he loves Marita.

I need to go see Sarah, Chelsea, and Liv by Friday. Since they start school in two days, I'm gonna try seeing them all tomorrow, but I don't know how that will work out... I think Chelsea already has plans... Well, if worst comes to worst, I'll just leave their presents at their houses.

I can't believe I'm going to Pitt in four days... I haven't even started packing! I've talked with my roommate, Sara, through Facebook and she seems like an awesome person; I think we'll turn out to be good friends. Liv is still trying to fight her way into Pitt. I don't know what's going to happen there. She is waiting for a reply from Penn State to see if she got into there as a backup. I hope she makes it to Pitt: for her sake. It's where she's always wanted to go.

I got to hang out with Alina and Emily at a sleepover a while ago. Becky was supposed to come, but she didn't show. This is the conclusion I made that night: Every time she disappoints me, I get more bitter. Yeah, I think sums it up nicely. Well, at least Alina is still a pretty good friend.

I got to see some more of that group of friends when Mike Cornell had a party last week. I got to see him, SAM, Alina, Mono, SAM, Brad, Dom, SAM, and a couple others. I miss Sam. T^T I miss a lot of people.

Here's to 2007. May 2008 be a better year.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007


I love Mom. ^_^ <3 She's the greatest person ever. No one can ever take her place. <3